
Grand Final

  • 1
    That we oppose career politicians
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    That sanctions do more harm than good
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    That we would implement a personal emissions trading scheme
  • Octofinals

  • 1
    That we would impose a significant wealth tax
  • Round 4

  • 1
    That we should make it a crime to produce, sell, or drink alcohol
  • Round 3

  • 1
    That, as the mayor of a major European tourist city, we would adopt measures aimed at significantly reducing the number of tourists (e.g. tourist cap, increasing tourist tax, etc.)
  • Round 2

  • 1
    That we prefer a world without the institution of marriage.
  • Make-Up Round 1

  • 1
    That we support middle school
  • Round 1

  • 1
    That we should ban parental monitoring apps